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  • We offer clinical DNA testing!

    SneakPeek is the#1 OBGYN-recommendedtest that provides fetal sex at 6 weeks with clinically-proven 99.9% accuracy. That's why we're trusted by over 750,000 moms and top obstetricians.

    • SneakPeek can be taken from 6 weeks into pregnancy until birth, with 99.9% accuracy. 

    • If you’re currently breastfeeding, that won’t affect the SneakPeek test results. SneakPeek looks for male chromosomes in the fetal DNA found in mom’s blood. Because breastfeeding is a hormonal change that has no impact on genetics, it has no impact on the gender blood test accuracy or results.

    • If you had a boy in a previous pregnancy, that won’t affect your gender reveal test results, either. Fetal DNA disappears from mom’s bloodstream within 3 days of giving birth, so have no fear, the analysis for your current pregnancy will be correct!

Hi, I'm Kristin!

"I am very excited to cater to the women of mayfield and all of the surrounding areas so I can help them bond with their little one."